Monday, August 29, 2011

Play Warcraft 3 In WIDESCREEN

Warcraft 3 on a Widescreen monitor
If you own a Widescreen monitor, you are probably familiar with the black bars to the sides of the game field - not a pleasing sight. The good news is that you can do something about them, unfortunately Warcraft 3 don't support widescreen FOV's, but you can play War3 in Widescreen resolutions, read on...

Warcraft 3 custom resolutions
Custom resolutions in Warcraft 3 can be very useful if you have a Widescreen monitor or a TFT monitor whos native resolution isn't supported.

The native resolution on a TFT means the amount of pixels it has in the X- and Y-directions. CRT monitors aren't built up by a fixed amount of pixels and don't suffer from blurring when not running the resolution the monitor was manufactured for, like TFT monitors do.

How to run Warcraft 3 in Widescreen mode?

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